Wednesday, March 4, 2009

chocolate cake

This is a packet cake that is in our pantry. Obviously the package is trying to sell the product and its main selling point is the picture of the cake which looks so very scrumptiously tempting. What attracted me to it, was actually the spoon across the top which I guess is the logo, as it has the brand name on it. I thought that was pretty cute, also the little spatula that has wiped a chocolaty background to the words 'Includes Ready to spread Frosting' is cute too. The red colour, which is the main colour of the box gives it a kind of passionate, sensual feel to the whole thing, and I think the typography really suits the product. The neutral colours behind the cake helps it to fade into the background, and also gives it a kind of homey feel. Overall I think it's a good piece of design that I consider quite effective.

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