Monday, May 18, 2009

Earth Day Sticker

This is a sticker I saw on the website It's a website where anyone can get their designs put onto products that are then sold. The sticker is advertising Earth Day. It's a simple, cute design that uses bold outlines and strong colour. I think the design is pretty good, I'm not a big fan of the font used, however, to me it doesn't seem to match the design. The font used has curls and though it's somewhat remimniscent of the art noveau period, I think something a little simpler may have worked better.

I like the design, it's cute and at the same time gives the earth a delicate feel, like it could be crushed underfoot.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I found this while browsing the Internet... it comes from Looks like a good site but you have to subscribe to browse freely and its grossly overpriced. But anyway........

Who could not love this ad - it is somewhat reminiscent of the art deco era with the geometric shapes, large areas of the same colour, the large typography, all in capitals and of course the sunrays! (or moonbeams maybe..?) Also has a definite heroic realism about it, because we all know that coffee is the answer to the worlds problems...!

The ad is divided up in the classic way, with the coffee statue taking up two thirds of the page. Down the right bottom hand corner is the slogan and a picture of the product which contrasts quite strongly to what's happening in the background of the page, which is chaotic, while the picture of the product is quite serene and tranquil.

I really like how they've done this, they made the image of the coffee into this statue made of gold and made it look so big and important. I think they did a great job of this.

Monday, March 23, 2009

DVD - Taken

I found this picture of a DVD cover while looking for another one that I saw at Woolies. (Which I couldn't find but if/when I do, I will put it up too.) I found it at The purpose of the cover is to get people interested in the movie - to pick it up and have a read and then buy it or rent it.

It's a monochromatic colour scheme, using only shades and tints of blue, giving it an ethereal sort of feel. The typography is a simple sans serif, but uses a kind of shadowing effect which gives a feeling of movement. The 'A' is represented by a female figure - it doesn't look exactly like an A, but in context everyone knows that it's supposed to be, and it also helps lend to the theme of the movie. (Which I'm guessing must be alien abductions.....I've never seen the movie) She's obviously been abducted and probably experimented on so now she glows from the alieans radioactive technology. Or whatever. :)

I think it's great how the glow lights up the top of the bushes down the bottom - gives it an eery sort of feel and makes it slightly more realistic which how the light would fall. I think it's a good design, not overly complex but effective in portraying what the movie is about. (Let's hope I don't have it totally wrong!)

I was attracted to it by the use of the figure as the A - I thought that was quite interesting, especially how it more represents the letter than actually looking like an A. The way it is all blue also attracts the eye - It's a cool colour scheme, and one can imagine being there and shivering. Maybe not with just the cold.......... Overall I think it's a pretty good piece of design. Not good enough to make me want to watch it though. :P

Monday, March 9, 2009

This is an ad that I found on Google while looking for ads with the 'less is more' approach. The ad is attempting to get people to change from ordinary light bulbs to the energy efficient light bulbs. The design is extremely simplistic, but very cleverly done to create an image that can be interpreted as both a hangman's noose and a light bulb. It's a very effective design and cleverly made. The text is straight to the point, though perhaps not entirely true.... (can we really save the environment just by changing our light bulbs???) I like the piece because of how simple and clever it is at the same time. I feel the black is a way of trying to convey a seriousness about the underlying issue (the environment) and of course, the hangman's noose does this as well.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

chocolate cake

This is a packet cake that is in our pantry. Obviously the package is trying to sell the product and its main selling point is the picture of the cake which looks so very scrumptiously tempting. What attracted me to it, was actually the spoon across the top which I guess is the logo, as it has the brand name on it. I thought that was pretty cute, also the little spatula that has wiped a chocolaty background to the words 'Includes Ready to spread Frosting' is cute too. The red colour, which is the main colour of the box gives it a kind of passionate, sensual feel to the whole thing, and I think the typography really suits the product. The neutral colours behind the cake helps it to fade into the background, and also gives it a kind of homey feel. Overall I think it's a good piece of design that I consider quite effective.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This is a certificate, found at, advertising a company's enviromentally friendly practices. It is simply for informing customers, and also probably to attract more business from enviromentally aware people.
It's designed to look very fresh, using only greens, blues, white, and a bit of black for the text. It obeys the rule of thirds, with the picture taking up two thirds of the picture and the information underneath taking up one third. The entire picture pretty much conveys what's needed without any text, with the wind turbines and the colours saying 'clean' and 'fresh'. The text in the middle is clean and neat, fitting in the theme. The spiral of pale spots helps draw in the eye, and I like the way they've fitted it in with the flare on the closest turbine. This is also the logo in the bottom right hand corner, which ties it all together.
I think it's a really pretty piece of graphic design... it's easy on the eyes and says what it's trying to say without any fuss or need for lots of typography.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nissan Pathfinder Ad

This is an advertisement for a car. The purpose of the ad is to sell the car, and they do that by drawing attention to all the features it does have by showing an unbelievable feature that it doesn't. It has a black background which makes the silver car stand out as the main subject. It's clean and neat with a level of sophistication as well. I like the simplicity, and the way the whole thing looks kind of together. The picture came from: